The Effect of Aromatherapy Treatment on Fatigue and Relaxation for Mothers during the Early Puerperal Period in Japan: A Pilot Study.
Int J Community Based Nurs Midwifery.
2017 Oct;5(4):365-375.; Asazawa K PhD1, Kato Y Bs1, Yamaguchi A Ms2, Inoue A Bs2.
BACKGROUND: Early in the postpartum period, mothers are often nervous and tired from the delivery, breastfeeding and caring for a new-born. The aim of this study was to evaluate the process and outcome of using aromatherapy treatments to increase relaxation and decrease fatigue for mothers during the first to the seventh day of the postpartum period.
RESULTS: Valid responses were obtained from 29 participants. A comparison of the scores before and after aroma treatment intervention indicated that the participants' relaxation scores increased significantly (P<0.001) and fatigue scores were significantly reduced (P<0.001). The majority of participants (77.8%) were satisfied with the treatment.
CONCLUSION: The aroma treatments significantly improved relaxation and reduced fatigue for mothers in the early puerperal period and were well received.