The Role of Essential Oils in the Treatment and Management of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
International Journal of Aromatherapy
This paper reflects the results of a qualitative study recently undertaken by the author, in which the consequences of attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) and the validity of employing essential oils [including frankincense] as a complementary therapy to assist in its management were explored. The original study involved six semi-structured interviews with the parents of boys aged 11–14 years. The subjects attended Wennington Hall (EBD) School, having been Statemented as presenting with emotional and behavioural difficulties, in particular, ADHD: (section 168 of the Education Act 1993 and the Education (Special Educational Needs) Regulation 1994). A literature search was conducted and experts in the field of aromatherapy were questioned.
Based on the results of this project, a synthesis of research, opinion and experience has been presented here: first exploring the aetiology and consequences of ADHD; then discussing the use of essential oils within this context. The author concluded that essential oils could have a valid role in the management of ADHD, and presented the results gleaned from her research study and personal experience with the intention of assisting fellow professional aromatherapists, parents, teachers, carers and potential researchers.